Wednesday, September 19, 2007

capital amusement, not!

Sometimes I think God gave me my students for my amusement. I think men too. I've just about had it.

My only Grade 8 student is going to fail his exam. Which is, lets one week's time?!?! How can I not be frustrated? He's a great kid and all but like all boys, so keen to skip practice. How could Ida have passed him to me at that standard i wonder.......aural not done, third piece not taught, second piece not finished, scales at best average, i can't even begin to describe his sightreading. If only he doesn't keep falling apart.

My Grade 6 girl: Tired all the time. Forgetful. And i have to correct more than 10 mistakes in a four-bar modulation SATB passage!!!

To top it off, my Haig Girls' kids can't seem to respond to slowing down and speeding up signals on the drums. And the teacher keeps making mortifying decisions on my behalf and right in front of my face. Hello?!?! Who's the instructor here?!! Oh. My. God. Someone. Help me!!

And then there's the men. Enough of these sulking, busy, i think i'm asking too much of you nonsense. What the hell's going wrong with my world?!

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