Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Look what its done for elephants. LOL.

Taken from The Travels of Lady "Bulldog" Burton by Sandi Toksvig..

Mrs Wright had been advised to eat only raw vegetables. The noise of her vast molars sinking down on a carrot is one that will live with me forever. She seemed to time this masticulation to coincide with any remark of interest made by a guest at the table, and her booming crunch was inevitably followed by dear Dr. Young bellowing, "Did someone speak?", while the nervous Miss Wright appeared to play the "Moonlight Sonata" with her knife and fork...Miss Dennell was most forthright about this business.

"Must you eay only vegetables, Mrs Wright?" she enquired one particularly tiresome evening.

Mrs Wright managed to nod and spray small pieces of apple at the same time. "It's for the weight, you see. It will make me thinner."

Miss Dennell shook her head. "I doubt it. Look what it's done for elephants."

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