Thursday, October 12, 2006

Girly Gab

I was looking through the entries on my blog and frankly, I'm amazed. I've been manically writing on a daily basis, and it feels good! Yes, there have been a jump in fashion entries these days, but who's complaining? Firstly, they are eye candy and secondly, this is part of my passion. You know, keep abreast of upcoming trends, if not, there wouldn't have been Hoity Toity in the first place.

The reason i started this blog was because I missed writing. Apart from the essays I wrote in school and college, I realised I hadn't been writing at all since I graduated. Sure, I wrote essays on music in Lasalle but it wasn't the same. The topics covered weren't varied and I missed reminiscing on life, love and my experiences. So suitechatter popped up, and boy am I glad I started this. Its therapeutic at best, and it helps me keep in touch with my friends. And who knows who might stumble across this blog, read the entries, and be touched in a little portion of his or her life. You never know. The universe moves in mysterious ways.

When I get back to Singapore, I definitely must dig up my old essays. Read and relive how I must felt at that age, a long time ago. Time really flies. It seems I got out of uniforms an era ago the rate things are changing now. A few days ago, a friend told me he doesn't feel happy at all hitting the big 2-0. I understand what he means. When you reach that age, everything moves so fast you can hardly sit down, take a breath, collect your thoughts and get up and on with your life. Everything whizzes past - that higher education, then maybe that short vacation before you hit the working life. From there, everything goes downhill if you catch the workaholic bug that Singaporeans seem to have no antibodies to fight against. UNLESS, you make a very concerted effort to stop and smell the flowers, to once in a while acknowledge that its okay to leave some of the work for the next day and leave early and do something, anything!

I have felt, one time or the other, fortunate that my job is such as it is. Not desk bound and most importantly, something I absolutely love doing. I have the flexibility to do what I want, when I want. I remember reading somewhere that "when you do something you love, everyday is an adventure" I like that. I like the idea that everyday can be an adventure, even if I'm living on the Little Red Dot that doesn't seem to have a whole lot of activities available. I'm sure I can find something.

But on the downside, I feel strangely cut-off. I have absolutely nothing in common with office politics, stocks, climbing up the corporate ladder and getting that raise. When we're having dinner and office talk comes up, a little part of me feels lonely and sad that I can't share in that. I guess one can't always have their Krispy Kreme donut and eat it huh?

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